Archive for the month 'February, 2017'

big drum

big drum

ball balance game

ball balance game

ball control

ball control

bike rack riding

bike rack riding

shape sorting line

shape sorting line

ready for 4D film

ready for 4D film

can't catch me!

can't catch me!

soccer game

soccer game

water table

water table

big bubble

big bubble

juggling tennis balls

juggling tennis balls

wiring the motor

wiring the motor

Shaping the cup

Shaping the cup

opening presents

opening presents

building a flyer

building a flyer

big ball run

big ball run

big smiles

big smiles

test flight

test flight

Peter and Leo

Peter and Leo

learning to make drawbots

learning to make drawbots

cub scout rocket

cub scout rocket

adding on to the flyer

adding on to the flyer

keep away!

keep away!

all down the slide

all down the slide

gearing up

gearing up

Peter pulled his tooth!

Peter pulled his tooth!

with mom, dad, and the cake

with mom, dad, and the cake

ready for soccer fun

ready for soccer fun

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